The campus is already equipped with established infrastructure available for Living lab apart from the dedicated spaces allocated for the Living Lab. The infrastructure can be broadly classified as
- Building infrastructure
- Communication infrastructure
- Storage infrastructure
- Dedicated infrastructure for Living Lab
Building infrastructure
- 3 Large research blocks (each with 100k – 250k sq. feet)
- 1 lecture block
- 2 Incubators (T-Hub with 65k sq. feet and 800 seats. IIITH-CIE with 40k sq. feet and 500 seats)
- Product Lab (with Maker Lab)
- 5 Large Dorms (400 in each)
- 2 Faculty housing blocks (50 apartments)
- Art/Craft center
- Guest house
- Campus medical clinic
- 5 Student messes
- 5 food stalls
Communication Infrastructure
- Wi-Fi (dedicated for sensors)
- LORA (a private local, as well as larger cloud centred)
- Wired network
- 5G (proposed for 2021-2022)
Storage Infrastructure
- Development Containers
- OM2M Server
- Thingspeak Server
Dedicated infrastructure for Living Labs
- Smart City research centre
- Building Sciences research
- Supported by allied centres-Signal Processing, VLSI-embedded systems, AI/ML
- Smart Campus Control room
- Dashboard
- Demo setup
- Sensor workbenches
- Seminar and Meetings
- Dedicated conference room at Control Room